//DO NOT REMOVE THIS COPYWRITE INFO! //Temperature Conversion Calculator //By Daniel C. Peterson //Web Winder Website Services, 1997-2006 All Rights Reserved. //Distribution, editing or reselling of this script is strictyly prohibited //without expressed written permission from Daniel C. Peterson. //For commercial grade (professional) versions of this and many other //calculators, visit http://www.webwinder.com.
function computeFar(form)
form.farCon.value = parseInt(eval((1.8 * form.cel.value) + 32),10);
function computeCel(form)
form.celCon.value = parseInt(eval((form.far.value - 32) / 1.8),10);
function clearForm(form)
form.far.value = "";
form.celCon.value = "";
form.cel.value = "";
form.farCon.value = "";